
Beyond making A Living - Your Life's Mission

Beyond Making A living - Your Life's Mission

~ Your life's mission goes beyond making a living. It's deeper, stronger and more compelling than a day-to-day grind.

~ Your life's mission is your burning desire to make a difference.

~ A life's mission isn't only a career. It can be a hobby, a vocation or a pastime. Your mission in life is manifested when you nurture and foster the special talents that make you unique and special.

~ A true life's mission never dies, no matter the challenges or setbacks. When you're living a life's mission you have a burning desire that won't allow you to give up. A mission is like a dream that doesn't go away, it keeps coming back to remind you again and again.

~ A life's mission comes from the soul. It's emotional and spiritual. You know in your heart that it's right.

~ Your life's mission is a part of your value and belief system. For example, if you believe your mission is to help people, you will be miserable doing anything that contradicts that core belief.

~ Living your life's mission is fun. You owe it to yourself to make your life enjoyable. Life shouldn't be a struggle. If it is, you're battling something inside. Your values and beliefs are in conflict with what you're doing with, or in, your life.

Desiring Success

Success means investing time, energy and money into motivating yourself to reach your full potential and live out your life's mission. Your desire for success must be compelling!

Success can mean different things to different people. Success is not only measured by money or material possessions; it is an inner knowing, peace and self-satisfaction.

How do you develop the passion and desire to succeed?

1. Convince yourself that you can and will succeed. It's easier and safer to tell yourself that you can't do something than risk failure. The only failure is not trying at all. Success is a choice.

2. Consciously focus on what you want. Make workable and rewarding goals for yourself. When you accomplish a goal or task, reward yourself. Acknowledge all the achievements.

3. Take one day at a time. It'll only feel overwhelming when you lose sight of all the baby steps you'll need to take before reaching a major goal. The majority of successes aren't achieved by leaps and bounds, but in working your plan one step at a time.

4. Stretch yourself, but don't break. Aim high enough to motivate and excite, but not so high that you become paralyzed with fear. Stretch yourself enough so you're constantly growing and experiencing new things.

Leave your mind open and receptive to all the possibilities.

Passion, desire and enthusiasm are essential for lasting success. If you don't have a well thought out purpose for all of your excitement, it becomes a waste of valuable energy.


Your Life's mission is a the glue holding your desire, enthusiasm , energy and

pwesistence in place

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