
Green Bite: Bucket Love-In - No Duh Week

What's crunchy as granola and saves a whole lotta water?

The Bite
This tip. Frankly, there are some tips that, while good for the planet, feel a little too yurts 'n' Birks for the Bite. But some of you won't stop submitting this one, so here goes with the oldest water-saving trick in the book: Collect water in a bucket while you wait for your shower to warm up.

The Benefits

  • Being a houseplant hugger. The water you save can go to your plants or other household chores.
  • Pocket-change conservation. The average American spends $45 per year on bath and shower water. The money you'll save by adopting this tip is a drop in the bucket (um...), but every little bit helps, right?

Personally Speaking
None of us on the team actually do this. But we promise that every morning when we warm up our shower, we will think about all you Biters who are saving water.

Wanna Try?

  • In addition to the shower bucket, pour any leftover water (from glasses, teapots, anything) into a watering can to use on houseplants, or in your pet's water bowl.
  • Peaceful Valley Recycled Bucket - made from recycled, nontoxic polyethylene, so it won't scratch your tub or rust ($15).


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