
Green Bite: We the People (Power Gadgets)

Wanna form a more perfect union with the planet?

The Bite
The power's vested in you. Devices that run on pure people power have been around since well before Thomas Jefferson invented the copy machine, but new technology is totally rad-ifying them.

The Benefits

  • The coolness factor even beats those wigs our forefathers used to rock.
  • Amending your electricity use. More than 50% of our energy comes from polluting coal plants, and those typical flashlight batteries contain not-so-green chems.
  • A bill of righteous health. Hand-cranking burns only a few calories (around 10 every 5 minutes), but it's still more exercise than doing nothing at all.

Personally Speaking
Four of us are heading to Burning Man in a few weeks, and are dying for the chance to participate in another bike-powered art project.

Wanna Try?

Enter to win a copy of the book Worldchanging by posting your idea for changing the world in the blog in the next 24 hours.


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