
You Are deeply Important

You are deeply important.  It does not matter if you do not seem so in your everyday role in this little life.  You are in a larger sense. You are deeply important, just as you are, doing just what you do.  Even as your everyday life unfolds as it does, even as you miss the goals you had set or live a life which is seemly mundane, so do you walk a path of great importance in the larger scheme.

Every challenge you face increases not only your own strength and courage, but that of the entire world.  For you are one of the fortunate ones, who is becoming enlightened, who is striving toward light, and as such, every time you overcome the shadows by shining more brightly, you light up the world.

Every time you heal yourself, you heal the world.  Every time you smile, shine with joy, release an old fear, every time you do any of these, the world’s burden is lightened.  Every time you choose peace over anger, the world can relax a bit more.


You have an individual path to walk and your own individual mountains to climb, but as you do so, each step is part of something larger, and what you do, how you think, how you express yourself, is a part of all that is.  You are completely connected, inseparable from all that is, and everything you do and are has an impact.


And all of this has nothing to do with your status, money, success or appearance.  And all of this has everything to do with inner peace and outer compassion and kindness, as you move ever toward the place where you shine with only now, this moment, seeing it in all its glory unfolded and unbound.


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